Summary 3.0 Draft of NOMAD

The article “NOMAD, an Integrated Suite of Three Spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical Description, Science Objectives and Expected Performance”, discusses a spectrometer suite incorporated into the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, NOMAD (“Nadir and Occultation for Martian Discovery”). The article mentions that the purpose of NOMAD is to study the trace gases, clouds and dust present within Mars’ atmosphere.

NOMAD comprises of three spectrometers: Solar Occultation (SO), Limb and Nadir Occultation (LNO) and Ultraviolet/Visible Spectrometer (UVIS). The SO spectrometer only performs solar occultation and works in the infrared range. The LNO spectrometer is capable of performing solar and nadir occultation and limb observations. The UVIS spectrometer can be used to detect carbon dioxide ice grains at high altitudes. These spectrometers work with each other to collect data which allows us to understand Mars’ “atmospheric composition and the related physical and chemical processes”(Vandaele et al., 2017)


         Vandaele, A. C., Lopez-Moreno, J.-J., Patel, M. R., Bellucci, G., Daerden, F., Ristic, B., Robert, S., Thomas, I. R., Wilquet, V., Allen, M., Alonso-Rodrigo, G., Altieri, F., Aoki, S., Bolsée, D., Clancy, T., Cloutis, E., Depiesse, C., Drummond, R., Fedorova, A., … Wolff, M. (2018). Nomad, an integrated suite of three spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical Description, science objectives and expected performance. Space Science Reviews, 214(5).


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